Pulse Doppler Radar: Principles, Technology, Applications (Electromagnetics and Radar) by Clive Alabaster
Pulse Doppler Radar: Principles, Technology, Applications (Electromagnetics and Radar) by Clive Alabaster PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book is a practitioner's guide to all aspects of pulse Doppler radar. It concentrates on airborne military radar systems since they are the most used, most complex, and most interesting of the pulse Doppler radars; however, surface-based systems are also included.It covers the fundamental science, signal processing, hardware issues, systems design and case studies of typical systems. It will be a useful resource for engineers of all types (hardware, software and systems), academics, post-graduate students, scientists in radar and radar electronic warfare (EW) sectors and military staff. Case studies add interest and credibility by illustrating how and where the ideas presented within the book work in real life.
Pulse Doppler Radar covers medium PRF waveform design and analysis including: methods of selection of precise PRF values, PRF schedule design, strategies to combat the ghosting problem, minimize range/velocity blindness and minimize dwell time, case studies on generic radar types such as airborne fire control radar, airborne early warning radar, active radar missile seekers and air defense radars.
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