Rabu, 22 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Building Linux Clusters by David HM Spector

Building Linux Clusters by David HM Spector

Building Linux Clusters

Building Linux Clusters by David HM Spector PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

One approach to building supercomputers is to interconnect any number of common PCs using an interface like Ethernet. This method, called clustering or "Beowulf" clustering, produces very inexpensive powerful computers whose capabilities would previously have cost millions of dollars. Now for a few tens of thousands of dollars, very powerful computers can be built for any number of computing solutions. From scientific applications to transaction processing, clustering technology provides an affordable, scalable computing solution.Building Linux Clusters introduces the reader to the basics of cluster installation and configuration, and comes complete with a CD full of cluster installation programs and tools for parallel programming. Focusing on the "how to" of building a Linux cluster, this book is a hands-on guide for people new to clustering. It is the definitive guide to scaling Linux for scientific and enterprise applications.

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